Digital Literacy on the Internet: the Case of Scorchy

Digital Literacy on the Internet: the Case of Scorchy


  • DENISE HERNÁNDEZ Y HERNÁNDEZ Universidad Veracruzana
  • SOFÍA AMAVIZCA MONTAÑO Universidad Estatal de Sonora
  • ROCÍO LÓPEZ GONZÁLEZ Universidad Veracruzana



Literacy practices, literacy, ICT, blog


The migration towards digital communicative practices has been intense, at least for the last two decades, especially for a whole generation whose members had to learn, practically through self-study, how to use the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The main aim of this research paper is to discover and analyze the impact of ICT use in the literacy practices of a group of adult professionals living abroad. With the New Literacy Studies approach, we used the case study research method which included in-depth interviews along with data triangulation from websites. A blog named El viaje de Scorchy (Scorchy’s Travels) was used to analyze text production where we valued new ways for reading and writing use. 64 blog posts published over a three-year seven-month period were analyzed. It was evident for us the way the informant got used to these modes of communication, as well as the reluctance, stubbornness or nostalgia to give up or modify these traditional literacy practices and how they started to adapt to a more digital society.


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How to Cite

HERNÁNDEZ Y HERNÁNDEZ, D. ., AMAVIZCA MONTAÑO, S., & LÓPEZ GONZÁLEZ, R. (2017). Digital Literacy on the Internet: the Case of Scorchy: Digital Literacy on the Internet: the Case of Scorchy. Estudios λambda. Teoría Y práctica De La didáctica En Lengua Y Literatura. , 2(1), 94–118.



Articles of empirical research
