The appropriation of ICT in college students: An approach from their habitus and social representations

The appropriation of ICT in college students: An approach from their habitus and social representations


  • LILIAN IVETTHE SALADO RODRÍGUEZ Universidad Estatal de Sonora
  • REYNA ISABEL OCHOA LANDÍN Universidad Estatal de Sonora



Technological appropriation, habitus, social representations


The use and benefit of information and communication technologies (ICT) have been erratic in all social sectors, particularly in education. Reasons: not only limitations on access to them, decreasing though, but also still remaining gaps, and most important because of the way they are incorporated into the academic life of individuals. The appropriation of technology becomes a reality when we make practices that result in a culturally organized use of these tools. The aim of this paper is to show a preview of a case study on habitus and social representations of students, regarding the use of ICT, both in their daily routine and in their academic life as well.  Students are from two public universities in Sonora, México. A survey and a semi-structured interview were used as methodological tools to collect information, a questionnaire to a sample of 532 students was applied, and 24 students were interviewed from different educational programs at both universities.  There we found that social representations are responsible for a boom in the access to ICT and that habitus originate practices that are not best suited for the academic training of future professionals.


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Author Biographies

LILIAN IVETTHE SALADO RODRÍGUEZ , Universidad Estatal de Sonora

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales. Profesora investigadora de la Universidad Estatal de Sonora


Doctor en sociología. Profesor investigador en El Colegio de Hidalgo

REYNA ISABEL OCHOA LANDÍN, Universidad Estatal de Sonora

Maestra en Administración de la Calidad. Profesora investigadora de la Universidad Estatal de Sonora


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How to Cite

SALADO RODRÍGUEZ , L. I. ., VELÁZQUEZ GARCÍA , M. A. ., & OCHOA LANDÍN, R. I. . (2016). The appropriation of ICT in college students: An approach from their habitus and social representations: The appropriation of ICT in college students: An approach from their habitus and social representations. Estudios λambda. Teoría Y práctica De La didáctica En Lengua Y Literatura. , 1(1), 215–234.



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