Evaluation of Two Teaching Experiences Using Infographics as a Learning Strategy

Evaluation of Two Teaching Experiences Using Infographics as a Learning Strategy


  • Selenne Ríos Higuera Escuela Normal Superior de Hermosillo
  • Mirián Adriana Noriega Jacob Escuela Normal Superior de Hermosillo
  • Rosa Ascención Espinoza Cid Escuela Normal Superior de Hermosillo




strategy, teaching, didactic, infographics


This paper presents two teaching experiences with the use of infographics as a learning strategy, both experiences carried out by a teacher with a group of students during fourth and fifth semester of the undergraduate program of an escuela normal superior. In each semester, the students were required to produce infographics that included the main ideas of academic themes. An analysis of the infographics as well as the teaching experiences was conducted. To analyze the infographics, a rubric was designed; it considered two main items, one related to form and the other one related to content; each item consisted of different aspects to evaluate the infographics in Likert scale. Regarding the experience, an analysis was conducted in relation to the scores of the infographics and the phases developed for their production. The results suggest that there was a general improvement in the infographics produced in fifth semester in comparison to the ones produced in fourth semester; however, some weaknesses were identified in the production process, specifically in phases 1 and 2. As a conclusion, it is considered that infographics may be an appropriate resource for students to identify main ideas and to promote the information diffusion with theoretical bases. Therefore, this article concludes with the presentation of a proposal to promote such resource in the academic field.


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How to Cite

Ríos Higuera, S., Noriega Jacob, M. A., & Espinoza Cid, R. A. (2019). Evaluation of Two Teaching Experiences Using Infographics as a Learning Strategy: Evaluation of Two Teaching Experiences Using Infographics as a Learning Strategy. Estudios λambda. Teoría Y práctica De La didáctica En Lengua Y Literatura. , 4(2), 25–47. https://doi.org/10.36799/el.v4i2.93



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