What Is the Objective in Teaching Spanish in Elementary Education?

What Is the Objective in Teaching Spanish in Elementary Education?


  • MIRIÁN ADRIANA NORIEGA JACOB Centro Regional de Formación Docente e Investigación Educativa del Estado de Sonora




Reading, writing, elementary education


The teaching practices start from knowledge of the discipline, didactics and the curricular; without any of these three aspects, the education process present difficulties for a satisfactory achievement of significant and key learning for the student. The clarity that the teacher has on the purpose of the curricular aims will allow the student to obtain a successful process of education and learning.   From this point on the teacher will design effective didactic interventions for the disciplinary mastering that the students will have to manage in their learning process. The Aim of this text is to show an exploration on the awareness about the purposes of teaching Spanish in elementary education, awareness that has a group of 40 teachers from different cities of the state of Sonora, Mexico.  The methodology used for this investigation is qualitative, since the analyzed information departs from open questions. The results of this research shows that teaching of Spanish has as a target the child being able to read, write and speak, besides the  social communicative skills that he/she will require when interacting in society. However, the discussion of this article remains open  on the premise that teaching a language, in this case Spanish, promotes different analysis and reflections over the characteristics and the use of the language that permit the child to interact within a society.


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How to Cite

NORIEGA JACOB , M. A. . (2017). What Is the Objective in Teaching Spanish in Elementary Education? What Is the Objective in Teaching Spanish in Elementary Education?. Estudios λambda. Teoría Y práctica De La didáctica En Lengua Y Literatura. , 2(1), 72–93. https://doi.org/10.36799/el.v2i1.52



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