Academic and disciplinary literacy: intervention with doctorate students in Education
Academic and disciplinary literacy: intervention with doctorate students in Education
academic literacy, disciplinary literacy, academic writing courses, doctoral studentsAbstract
Students from a Ph.D. in Education lacked training and experience to write academic texts; in addition, their preliminary projects showed deficiencies on the characteristics of the genre. An intervention was deployed, based on the New Literacy Studies and the notion that training must be explicitly implemented to promote participation in practices of each area. The objectives of the intervention were to accompany the students, make them aware of the characteristics of academic writing and to equip them with tools. It had two stages: an extracurricular course on academic writing and the assignment of a writing tutor, to provide feedback and to assess the tasks assigned in a curricular course. In order to document the experience, the student’s opinion was registered, interviews were conducted with the instructors of the courses and the intervention, and a questionnaire was applied to three students. The doctoral students considered those activities helped them to become aware of the importance of constant and critical reading, and of writing according to their disciplinary community guidelines. Professors detected a change in attitude, the development of writing skills and self-regulation by the students. The students propose as an improvement that the intervention is more practical and that it is placed when they are already preparing the thesis. The intervention is positively valued despite starting as a remedial activity, and the need to continue with the constant practice of reading and writing to promote the development of disciplinary literacy in the students is identified.
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