Art and Language: Flows and Tensions in Education

Art and Language: Flows and Tensions in Education





art, language, education, development, learning


In this article is presented a critical reflection about art and language conceptions which prevail in the Basic Education (BE) curriculum, as well as in the profile of teachers according to the training curriculum in preschool, primary, and secondary levels. In order to contextualize, we recur to drawn coordinates by the evolution of the species and of human development. In the convergence of phylogeny and ontogeny, art and language are situated as conquers from and between men. In this frame the double nature of such objects is recognized as products of evolution and as sources of learning in the development. This critical reflection is supported by the analysis on the interpretation of art and language in the BE curriculum as well as in the conceptions which teachers reproduce through their practice due to the professional training they have received, and also through the curriculum. A result of such conceptions is to have denatured and fragmentary teaching objects with direct repercussions on the student. As an alternative, it is proposed that the individual - in contact with other individuals- organizes his relationship with reality from processes such as perception, appreciation, expression, cognition, configuring again and again to the world and to him.


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Author Biography


Doctor en Educación por la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa; Maestro en Educación por la Universidad del Valle de México; Licenciado en Lingüística por la Universidad de Sonora; Instructor de Arte, con Especialidad en Danza, por el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura. Especialista en Competencias Docentes para la Educación Media Superior, por la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional y la certificación correspondiente por la Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior. Es Evaluador Certificado del Desempeño Docente en educación media superior por el Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación.


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How to Cite

IZAGUIRRE RUÍZ, J. C. . (2017). Art and Language: Flows and Tensions in Education: Art and Language: Flows and Tensions in Education. Estudios λambda. Teoría Y práctica De La didáctica En Lengua Y Literatura. , 2(1), 189–205.



