Video Games as a Tool for the Promotion of Reading Literature

Video Games as a Tool for the Promotion of Reading Literature


  • ADRIANA MUNGUÍA LÓPEZ Universidad de Sonora
  • MARÍA EDITH ARAOZ ROBLES Universidad de Sonora



Reading promotion, video games, literature


In the context of present reading situation in Mexico, studies published by official institutions (Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes in 2006), report that the reading habit in the country, not only is minimal, but even that those who call themselves readers not necessarily read literature. In this paper the authors present a proposal on the use of commercial video games as a tool to approach young gamers to literature. This work is a part of a thesis investigation under way, where two phenomena, apparently different to each other and from different worlds, converge: literature and video games, this last, considered as visual narrative. Our goal is to present the important aspects of the literary workshop that took place at University of Sonora with university students, in order to rouse their interest in the literary world using their attachment for video games. Although the results of this work are still in the process of analysis, a first approach allows us to observe that video games can be an effective way to promote literature and encourage reading habits.


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Author Biographies

ADRIANA MUNGUÍA LÓPEZ, Universidad de Sonora

Lic, en Literaturas Hispánicas, maestrante en el posgrado en Humanidades del Departamento de Letras y Lingüística de la Universidad de Sonora

MARÍA EDITH ARAOZ ROBLES, Universidad de Sonora

Maestra de tiempo completo del Departamento de Letras y Lingüística de la Universidad de Sonora.  Candidata a doctor en ciencias sociales. Líneas de investigación: comprensión lectora y producción textual; y, construcción de sentid: discurso, identidades e imaginarios


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How to Cite

MUNGUÍA LÓPEZ, A. ., & ARAOZ ROBLES, M. E. . (2016). Video Games as a Tool for the Promotion of Reading Literature: Video Games as a Tool for the Promotion of Reading Literature. Estudios λambda. Teoría Y práctica De La didáctica En Lengua Y Literatura. , 1(1), 162–178.



Articles of empirical research
