Teaching of Spanish Literature in Peruvian university contexts. Interview with Maria Luisa Roel Mendizabal





Interview, Spanish literature, university education, Peru, pedagogy, reading


This interview takes up the teaching experience of Professor Maria Luisa Roel based on the literary production of Spain. The objective is to internalize how this has been transferred in the field of university education. Based on the teacher’s career, an overview of how students in the professional career of Literature abide by the knowledge and reading of Spanish authors, such as Miguel de Cervantes, is provided. Similarly, two historical moments are mentioned in which the presence or absence of this production would be seen: in the Literature of the Viceroyalty and contemporary literary creation.


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Author Biography

Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Licenciado. Candidato a magíster y doctor en Literatura Peruana y Latinoamericana por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Docente de Educación Superior y universidades nacionales. Corrector de textos. Investigador Concytec con intereses en la narrativa, la teoría literaria, el cine y los ensayos de autores latinoamericanos, como Mario Vargas Llosa, Gabriel García Márquez y Octavio Paz. Ha publicado en revistas indexadas en Web of Science, SciELO y Scopus de Perú, Chile, Venezuela, Brasil, Costa Rica, México, Colombia, España e Italia. Ha sido ponente en congresos de Perú, Cuba, España, México, Colombia, Guatemala y Estados Unidos. Contacto: tarmangani2088@outlook.com



How to Cite

Delgado Del Aguila, J. M. (2022). Teaching of Spanish Literature in Peruvian university contexts. Interview with Maria Luisa Roel Mendizabal. Estudios λambda. Teoría Y práctica De La didáctica En Lengua Y Literatura. , 7(1). https://doi.org/10.36799/el.v7i1.120



