Proposal for evaluation of CLIL and IPA methodologies in learning connectors in a second language

Proposal for evaluation of CLIL and IPA methodologies in learning connectors in a second language




discursive connectors, bilingual teaching, assessment, rubrics


One of the didactic elements that best shows how well students master a foreign language is their mastery of the discursive connectors. This article offers an evaluation proposal of the effectiveness of the CLIL model and the IPA (Integrated Plurilingual Approach) approach in terms of teaching/learning of these connectors. Thus, the results obtained in the praxis of the classroom of two groups of students will be analysed and evaluated after putting into practice two didactic sequences using both methodologies. The data provided by the evaluation by rubric seem to suggest that the details of the linguistic practice of the connectors are more easily appropriated by the learners with the IPA approach than with the CLIL model.


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How to Cite

Martínez, J. A., & Cantero García, V. (2021). Proposal for evaluation of CLIL and IPA methodologies in learning connectors in a second language: Proposal for evaluation of CLIL and IPA methodologies in learning connectors in a second language. Estudios λambda. Teoría Y práctica De La didáctica En Lengua Y Literatura. , 6(1), 1–25.



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