Manuscript Preparation

The document is structured in three parts: preliminary section, body of work and reference section.

  1. Formal aspects of the preliminary section
    • The title of the article in bold, centered, with 14 point Garamond font, with a capital initial.
    • The title should not exceed 15 words.
    • The title in English is placed immediately after the main title, in bold, centered, with 14 point Garamond font, with a capital initial.
    • The name of the author or authors must appear aligned to the right of the page with 12 point Garamond font, without bold and with capital initials.
    • All texts must include a summary in Spanish and English (abstract).
    • Each abstract must have a maximum of 250 words, in a single paragraph, justified alignment, single line spacing, in 12-point Garamond font.
    • The titles SUMMARY, ABSTRACT, PALABRAS CLAVE and KEY WORDS must be in bold, with capital letters and in 12 point Garamond font.
    • The abstract must contain an introduction, method, results and discussion (IMRYD format).
    • After the abstract, keywords or descriptors of the document must be included, a minimum of three keywords and a maximum of six. After the abstract, key words must be included, a minimum of three keywords and a maximum of six. It is recommended to use the OECD thesaurus.
    • Keywords must not indicate articles or conjunctions.
    • Any person interested in publishing in the Journal must submit a brief Curriculum Vitae of a maximum of 50 words, written in a single paragraph, in Garamond font, in 12 points, single spaced and where it indicates: profession, higher academic degree achieved, university where obtained the title, institution and entity where you work, position, country and email.
    • All aspects of the preliminary section mentioned above should go on the first page.
  2. Formal aspects of the body of work
    • The body of work begins with the same information as the preliminary section except the author's data. 
    • The document must meet the following requirements in its design: letter size sheet (21.59 X 27.94), margins 2.5 cm on each side, space and a half spacing, 6 point space after the paragraph, indentation of 1.25 cm at the beginning of the paragraph, Justified alignment, Garamond font 12.
    • Titles and subtitles must be in bold, capitalized, in 12 point Garamond font and, if necessary, use consecutive Arabic numerals.
    • The version of the document must be in Word or Open Office and follow the IMRYD format.
    • The extension of the research articles, review, theoretical, translations and case studies, should be 7,000 to 10,000 words, including the title, abstract in Spanish and English, bibliographic references, annexes and acknowledgments, if these will be incorporated.
    • The length of the documents that will appear in the special editions should be between 5,000 and 6,000 words maximum. Said documents are monographic studies and papers presented at the International Congress of Research on Didactics of Language and Literature and National Forums on the Teaching of Literature "Josefina de Ávila Cervantes".
    • The length of the reviews or critical reviews should be 1500 to 2000 words.
    • Any explanatory note must be included at the foot of the page and will be used to enrich the argument, to expand or complement important information.
    • Very long tables and tables of more than one page should be avoided. Half a page is an ideal size.
    • Photographs, maps, illustrations and figures must be sent included in the text, in JPG format with high resolution, labeled and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, in Garamond font, in 12 points.
    • All illustrative material included in the text that is not the property of the author, must have the respective authorizations for its use and disclosure.
  3. Reference section
    • Estudios λambda. Teoría y práctica de la didáctica en lengua y literatura follows a model adapted from the MLA protocol.

Article submission example

Título del artículo en español

Article title in English

Name and last names of the author


El resumen debe contener como máximo 250 palabras y responder el formato de introducción, método, resultados y discusión (formato IMRYD).


Siga las mismas instrucciones para del Resumen, pero inglés.

Se recomienda no utilizar traductores electrónicos como el traductor de Gloogle.


Las palabras clave o descriptores del documento, mínimo tres palabras clave y máximo seis y  sin negritas. Se recomienda utilizar el tesauro ( de la OCDE.


Siga las mismas instrucciones de las palabras clave en inglés


Inicie la redacción del texto según la estructura redactada en estas normas.