Biannual journal of a scientific-reflective nature, peer-reviewed, open and free access, with an emphasis on innovation and research related to the teaching of language and literature, discourse analysis, cultural studies, literary studies, literary theory and of interdisciplinary research, as well as comprehension and production of texts in L1 and L2.
Authorship and Contribution Policy
The authors must declare in a Non-conflict letter that the content of the manuscript is original and corresponds to a study not previously published, and that it also has ownership over it in its moral and patrimonial aspect, which will not be presented to any other journal or similar medium before knowing the result of the opinion of the corresponding Editorial Committee, establishing here the commitment not to withdraw it and not send it to another journal or similar medium until the internal editorial process of the University of Sonora concludes. Likewise, you must declare that you have no conflict of interest with the institution where the investigation was carried out or with another similar entity or company.