Biannual journal of a scientific-reflective nature, peer-reviewed, open and free access, with an emphasis on innovation and research related to the teaching of language and literature, discourse analysis, cultural studies, literary studies, literary theory and of interdisciplinary research, as well as comprehension and production of texts in L1 and L2.
Citation Models and Bibliographic References
Models of citation and bibliographic references in MLA (Modern Language Association) to be used in the journal Estudios λambda. Theory and practice of teaching in language and literature.
The most widely used citation and reference system for the Fine Arts and Humanities area is the Modern Language Association (MLA) protocol. Estudios λambda. Teoría y práctica de la didáctica en lengua y literatura makes an adaptation of this style of article writing for the purposes of the magazine. This document seeks to be a guide for anyone interested in publishing in our journal to take into account when citing and writing bibliographic references. The guide is presented in two parts: the first describes the most general aspects for references or citations within the text, and the second presents the most representative cases of bibliographic references.
They are Ideas, reasoning and opinions of the consulted authors. They can be of two types: direct or verbatim citations and indirect or paraphrase citations. The citations can be separated from the text or included from the text. When citing always provide the author, year and page. (Author, year, p.)
Quotes separated from the text
They are quotes in which the passages consist of more than 40 words or are equal to or greater than four lines. They are written centered with single line spacing and can be written in smaller font or italics. It is also written with its respective reference reference or annotation. Example:
Sharing reading and writing makes it possible to conceptualize them. When you are a reader and writer, it seems not necessary to be aware of the actions involved when reading or writing, however, the same does not happen when it comes to teaching these tasks:
Objectifying what reading and writing consist of makes it possible to clarify what the teaching objective is and define what the contents are involved in it. Defining the content is particularly difficult in this case: reading and writing are practical and, as such, include many implicit [never verbalized] elements, which remain scarcely accessible to conceptualization. (Lerner, Stella y Torres, 2009, 26) |
Citations included in the text
They are quotes in which the passages are made up of less than 40 words or less than four lines. They are enclosed in quotation marks with citation calls or annotation of the reference. Example:
The monograph is an academic work that addresses a particular topic. Its characteristics are academic seriousness and intellectual honesty, that is to say: "We accept that the ideas presented are not ours but that we have taken them from other authors" (González, De la Vara, Orozco and Feria, 1999, 134). Not giving due importance to these characteristics could invalidate the investigation.
Verbatim quotes
When quoted verbatim, such citation must appear by a citation to the reference that includes the page number. Verbatim citations should not exceed 500 words from a text in a book or scientific journal of which you own literary property without explicit permission.
- When quoted in the middle of a sentence, end the passage with quotation marks, quote the source in parentheses immediately after the quotation marks, and continue the sentence. Do not use another punctuation unless the meaning of the sentence requires it.
He stated that: "globalization had negative effects not only on trade liberalization but in all its aspects, even apparently well-intentioned efforts" (Stiglitz, 2002, 46), but did not clarify what those efforts were.
- When the quotation is at the end of a sentence, enclose the quoted passage in quotation marks, enclose the source immediately after the quotation mark in parentheses, and end with a period or another sign outside the final parenthesis. Example:
Araya mentions that: "the theory of social representations deals with a specific type of knowledge that plays a crucial role in how people think and organize their daily lives" (2002, 56).
- When the citation appears at the end of a block citation, cite the corresponding source in parentheses after the final punctuation manner. Example:
In order to understand the problems of education in our country, it is important to start with the reflection on literacy, understanding it as:
Literate is considered to be the person who possesses the fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge that allows him to undertake those activities in which literacy is necessary for effective performance in his group and community, and who possesses a sufficient command of reading, writing and arithmetic as to continue using the knowledge acquired in the service of their own development and that of the community.(UNESCO, 1965, 7) |
References in the text with two or more authors
When we have more than two authors and it is the first time they are cited, then they should all be mentioned. Example:
We can mention two types of reading: the surface and deep reading. In the first case, the objective does not go beyond deciphering meanings, on the other hand, deep reading forces us to reason, associate and analyze what lies behind a reading. In this sense, González, De la Vara, Orozco and Feria (1999, 24) indicate three stages: selective reading, analytical reading and critical reading ...
If in a work we use a source with two or more authors for the second time, then the last name of the first author is cited followed by the words et. al (and everyone else). On the other hand, you can also mention the name of the source with which you are working. Example:
In Presentation of academic works, by González et al., The reading process is approached through three different stages: selective, analytical and critical (1999, 26); the selection of any of them depends on the reasons that bring us closer to the texts.
Citations with corporate author
In the citations, the entries of corporate authors that are normally known with acronyms, can be presented as follows if it is the first time that they are cited:
National Institute of Fine Arts [INBA] (2015, 28)
In a quote where the corporate author reference is used again, in subsequent it will be:
INBA (2015, 65)
In other cases the corporate author is written in full:
University of Sonora (2005, ¶ 6)
Citations with works without an author or with an anonymous author
When a work does not have an author, the first words of the entry in the reference list (usually the title) and the year must be cited within the work. In these cases, double quotation marks are used around the title of an article or chapter, and write in italics the title of the scientific journal, book, brochure or report. Example:
… In independent care (“Study Find,” 1998, 65)
… In the book College Bound Seniors (1979, 93)
Appointments with authors with the same last name
If a reference list includes publications by two or more lead authors with the same last name, include the initials of the first author in all citations within a text, even if the year of publication differs. The initials guide the reader to identify and avoid confusion within the text and to locate the entries in the reference list. Example:
R. J. Balmaceda (1906) and P. T. Balmacedad (1910)
M. L. López and García (1998) and T. E. López and Rodríguez (1999)
Citations of several works by the same author, in the same year
Sandoval and Rivera (2006a) state that
Sandoval and Rivera (2006b) define
Sandoval and Rivera (2006c) state
Multiple appointments
Several works cited at the same point in the text are arranged alphabetically, separated with a semicolon and included in the same parentheses. Example:
Especially in the early 1970s, approaches to educational anthropology proliferated (Barnhardt, Chilcott, and Wolcott, 1979; Burnett, 1974a; Calhoun and Ianni, 1976; Gruber, 1961, Ianni and Storey, 1973; Kneller, 1965; Middleton, 1970; Roberts and Akinsanya, 1976a, b; Rosenstiel, 1977; Shimahara and Scrupski, 1975; Wax, Diamond and Gearing 1971)
Appointment within another appointment
Infante (2000, 7) explains how the concepts of literacy - illiterate evolve:
The "literate-illiterate" dichotomy is set aside and the conclusion is reached that we are all, in some way, "illiterate" in the face of some types of information, which becomes more evident in societies with great technological development. Technological development makes it necessary to speak of a hierarchy of literacies. (Levine, 1982, 264) |
O well
Levine (1982, p. 260) points out that in order to study the issue of the “functionality” of literacy or functional literacy and its levels, it would be necessary to analyze what it means to participate adequately (or actively) or “act effectively” (according to the definition above) within a community; what type of written materials does a person find in the community (which they are required to read) and what are the skills required by each person to read them adequately. (Cited by Infante, 2000, p.21)
Electronic text citations
When using electronic sources, it is possible to find texts that do not have a page number (unless they are PDF documents), in these cases what is done is to take into account the paragraph from which the passage is selected. The symbol ¶ or the abbreviation para is used. Example:
Leibrandt assures in relation to the didactics of Literature that:
We must move from a concept of Literature as an addition of static knowledge to an idea of Literature as an experience, that is, as a space for dynamic experimentation. For this to happen we must change our pedagogical mentality and, back to the beginning, think about Literature from the point of view of those who are taught. (2007, ¶ 5) |
On the other hand, when the text found on the internet has sections, in addition to the ¶ symbol, the section in which the source was found is indicated. See the following example:
Training in competencies based on both constructivism and cognitivism emphasizes the active role of the learner, but also the role of the teacher, since:
Thanks to your effort and dedication, the proper functioning of digital classrooms can be promoted and implemented; Therefore, digital training must take into account the knowledge and generation of materials, and encourage teamwork, cooperation and coordination among teachers, because we must not forget that teachers continue to be a key element in the teaching-learning process. (Morales, 2013, section Development of teaching digital competences in the framework of digital skills for all, ¶8) |
General model |
Last Name, name. Title of the book. City of publication: publisher, year of publication |
Book with an author |
Savater, Fernando. El valor de elegir. México: Ariel, 2003 |
Book with two authors Last name (s), first and first name, last name (s). Title of the book. City of publication: publisher, year of publication |
Correa Pérez, Alicia y Arturo Orozco Torre. Literatura universal. Introducción al análisis de los textos. México: Pearson, 1998 |
Book with several authors Last name(s) name; first name, last name (s) and first name, last name (s). Title of the book. City of publication: publisher, year of publication |
Lerner, Delia; Paula, Stella y Mirta Torres. Formación docente en lectura y escritura. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2009 |
Coordinator as author |
Mendoza Fillola, Antonio (coord.). Lecturas de museo. Orientaciones sobre la recepción de relaciones entre la literatura y las artes. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona-Universidad Santiago de Compostela, 2000 |
Editor (s) as author |
Florescano, Enrique. Mitos mexicanos. España: Taurus, 2001 |
Chapter of the book Last name (s), Name (s). "Name of the chapter of the book." In last name (s), Name (s); last name (s) ). (Coord.) Book title. Collection. Place of printing: Publisher, year of publication |
Guerrero de la Llata, Patricia del Carmen. “Redes de mapas conceptuales: reconstrucción de la lectura, escritura”. En González Gaxiola, Francisco; Constantino, Martínez Fabián y Fermín, González Gaxiola (Coord.). Redacción y composición. Lo que sobra, lo ambiguo y lo que falta. Colección textos académico. 81. Hermosillo: Universidad de Sonora, 2010 |
No author |
Cantar del mio Cid. México: Edaf mexicana, 2010 |
Traslator |
Florescano, Enrique. National narratives in Mexico: A History. Trad. Nancy Hancock. Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 2006 |
Corporate Author |
Centro de Investigación Teatral Rodolfo Usigli. Memorias del encuentro de pedagogía teatral 2013. México: CITRU, 2014 |
Online books Last name (s), first and first name, last name (s). Title of the book. City of publication: publisher, year of publication. Consultation date. <URL> |
De Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel. Don Quixote de la mancha. Trad. Charles Jarvis. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. 22 de agosto de 2015. <> |
General model |
Last name (s), first name (s). "Article title". Publication name volume.number (year of publication): pages |
Magazine with one author |
Yang, Hsiao-Hui. “Sunzi’s war rhetoric meets Hollywood: Educating teenagers about bullying through movies”. New Horizons in Education 58.3 (2010): 99-110 |
Electronic journal with two authors and DOI Last name (s), first name (s). "Article title". Publication name volume.number (year of publication): pages. Consultation date. doi (digital object identifier) |
Sánchez, Jaqueline y Yamile Sandoval. “Claves para reconocer los niveles de lectura crítica audiovisual en el niño”. Comunicar 38 (2012): 113-120. 5 de mayo 2014. doi: |
Electronic magazine Last name (s), first name (s). "Article title". Publication name volume.number (year of publication): pages. Consultation date<URL> |
Ferrés Joan. “La competencia en comunicación audiovisual: dimensiones e indicadores”. Comunicar, 29 (2007): 100-107.18 de junio de 2014. <file:///C:/Users/mangeles/Downloads/Comunicar-29-Ferres-100-107.pdf> |
Articles based on a printed magazine It refers to when a magazine is normally published in print and uploads its articles to the web. Last name (s), first name (s). "Article title". [Electronic version] Name of publication volume.number (year of publication): pages |
Zavala Medina, Daniel. La obra de Jorge Luis Borges durante la década de 1930: estudio de algunos elementos para la conformación de su poética en Discusión (1932). [Versión electrónica]. Connotas. Revista de crítica y teorías literarias. 13 (2013): 25-38 |
Online newspaper Last name (s), first name (s). "Article title". Name of the newspaper. Publication date. Pages or section. Consultation date.<URL> |
Moñino, Ladislao. “Las eternas noches de “El alcalde de Zalamea”. El País. 22 de agosto de 2015. Cultural. 22 de agosto de 2015. <> |
Newspaper Last name (s), first name (s). "Article title". Name of the newspaper. Publication date. Pages or section. Consultation date. |
Urquijo, Miguel. “Detectan por internet venta se certificados”. El imparcial (Hermosillo). 22 de agosto de 2015. General, 2. 22 de agosto de 2015 |
General model |
Congress proceedings (published) Last name (s), first name (s). "Article title". In Name (s), last name (s). (Comp. Or Ed. Or Coord.). Publication name. Place of publication: Editor. (year of publication): pages |
Betancourt, Ignacio. “La investigación literaria regional en México: erotismo y revolución en un modernista desconocido”. En Alma Leticia Martínez (Ed.). Memorias del XIX Coloquio de Literatura Mexicana. Hermosillo: Universidad de Sonora, (2005): 117-130 |
PhD thesis published online Last name (s), first name (s). Name of the doctoral thesis. Doctoral thesis published online. Defense University. Publication date. Consultation date.<URL> |
Novell Monroy, Noemí. Literatura y cine de ciencia ficción. Perspectivas teóricas. Tesis doctoral publicada en línea. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España. 11 de julio de 2008. 24 de agosto de 2015.<> |
Encyclopedia Online Last name (s), first name (s). "Title of the entry". Name of the online encyclopedia. Year of publication (page update). Consultation date. <URL> |
Lleó Cañal, Vicente. "Triunfo De Baco." Enciclopedia Online Del Museo Nacional Del Prado. 2015. 15 de agosto de 2015. <> |
Films Name of the movie. Address Name (s), last name (s). Adaptation. Name(s) last name (s). Protagonist (s). Name(s) last name(s). Distributor. Year |
El gallo de oro. Dir. Roberto Gavaldón. Guión. Juan Rulfo. Adaptación. Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez y Roberto Gavaldón. Protagonistas. Ignacio López Tarso y Lucha Villa. CLASA Films Mundiales. 1964 |
Web Page "Name of the article or entry". Name of the web page. Name of the publisher or person responsible for the publication. Year of publication. Consultation date. <URL> |
"MLA Works Cited: Electronic Sources (Web Publications)." Purdue OWL. 20WL. Perdure University, 2015. 24 de agosto de 2015. <>. |
Internet conferences Last name (s), Name (s). "Title of the conference". Institution responsible for the conference. [Video]. Lectures given at the X meeting or congress. Year of the conference. Date of access or inquiry.<URL> |
Robinson, Sir Ken. “La escuela mata la creatividad”.TED Ideas Worth Spreanding. [Video]. Conferencia dictada en la reunión anual del TED en Monterery, California. 2006. 25 de agosto de 2015. <> |
Slideshare Last name (s), Name (s). "Title of the shared document." [Slideshare]. Institution (event) responsible for the publication of the document. Year of publication. Date of access or consultation. <URL> |
Gea, Miguel. Universidad de Granada. “La universidad ante los nuevos ecosistemas de aprendizaje digital”. [Power point Slider]. Encuentro UIMP2013 – University 3.0 Smart Campus. 2013. 22 de agosto de 2015. <> |
General model |
Blogs Last name (s), Name (s). "Title of the blog post." Blog title. Year of publication. Date of access or consultation. <URL> |
Romea Castro, Celia. “El laberinto del fauno”. Cine de literatura. [Blog]. 2012. 24 de agosto de 2015. <> |
Comments to blogs Last name (s), Name (s) [Who makes the comment]. "Title of the blog post." In last name (s), Name (s). [Who publishes the blog]. Blog title. Year of publication. Date the message was sent. <URL> |
Pacheco Félix, Dania Itzel. “Requisitos indispensables para el estudiante del siglo XXI”. En Galindo, María de los Ángeles. Aprender a aprender. 2008. Mensaje enviado el 27 de agosto de 2015. <> |
Tweets Last name (s). Name (s). (Twitter username). "Name of the publication of the tweet." Date and Time. Tweet (indicated as a tweet) |
Feliz Muria, Tiberio. (@TiberioUned). “Noticias sobre #MOOC: MOOC alfabetización: Evaluación procesual, continua y formativa #JoinECO”. 24 de agosto 2015, 9:00 pm. Tweet |
YouTube Last name (s). Name(s). "Video name". [Online video]. Publication date. Consultation date. |
Silva Rivera, Dany. “Perspectiva de investigación en humanidades y filosofía”. [Online videoclip]. YouTube. 15 de diciembre de 2014. 20 de agosto de 2015. |
Wikis Wikis (including Wikipedia) are collaborative Web pages that someone can write, review, and review. They are "refereed" in the sense that someone who reads the information and wants to change this can do so. There is no guarantee that substantial professionals or experts have contributed to the information found on a wiki. Entrance. Wiki name. Date of publication or last update. Consultation date. <URL> |
Honoré de Balzac. Wikipedia. 19 de agosto de 2015. 25 de agosto de 2015. <> |
Last name (s), First name (s) [From wiki contributor]. "Name of the work in the wiki". Wiki name. Responsible Institution or Publisher. Publication date. Consultation date.<URL> |
De La Torre, Antoni. "Histories Del Senyor Keuner, De Bertolt Brech". Histories Del Senyor Keuner. Wikiespaces. IES Joanot Martorell De València; Dept. De Valencià, 1 May 2007. Web. 24 Aug. 2015. <>. |