Literature for Young People: Reading Materials. The Learning Experiences as anecdotes
Literature for Young People: Reading Materials. The Learning Experiences as anecdotes
Experience, educational material., transformationAbstract
These reflections about my didactic experiences incarnate some anecdotes loaded with feelings and emotions of my professional career in the institution where I have been actually living almost thirty years by now. My remembrances might not be transcendental but for me, and perhaps for somebody else, they are important. They touch me and make me tremble since my life dedicated to teaching is exactly as I do express it here, brimming with satisfaction; sometimes they may be called pleasing, some other times, not. Pain will not stop me though, nor sorrow nor some pessimistic memories, when I endeavor to speak to any attentive ear of instructor who will follow me in these labors. I speak in first person since the emotions and feelings would not allow me to set them out in tattered manner, objective and impartial but lifeless. I speak -I repeat- from the self that remembers my university first, there where I received my background and profession, next the institution I have endowed my life, and finally my contributions, intended, to make stronger my College.
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