Disciplinary Reading and Writing: The Instructional Design of a MOOC course
Lectura y Escritura Disciplinar: Experiencia de Diseño Instruccional de un Curso MOOC
writing, reading, pedagogy, genre, tMoocAbstract
This research presented the principles guiding the instructional design for the organization of a MOOC course about academic literacy abilities at a public university in Mexico, both for the admission process and for the promotion of some intellectual abilities required in higher education. This is a double-objective study. The first objective is to show the procedure for the design of a MOOC course focused on the development of academic literacy abilities online, and in a massive manner. The second objective is to assess the pertinence of the MOOC course from the perspective of 21,282 students who finished the course and participated in the study. The instructional design was guided by the integration of the Genre Pedagogy from the Sydney School and the interactional modes of the tMOOC model. Qualitative and quantitative strategies were applied as a means to assess the course’s instructional design. Two instruments were used for this purpose: a Q&A Forum in the MOOC course and an exit survey after the completion of the contents of the course. A thematic analysis was done on the open answers of the survey and a nominal scale was used on the closed answers. The results highlight the impact of the tasks recursivity on students’ perceptions about the implications of reading and writing in higher education. Moreover, the presence of the teacher in the videos stands out as a relevant element that favors the learning of writing in a MOOC course. Nonetheless, autogestion, peer assessment, and the logistics of the course present the major challenges in a massive online course of writing. This work contributes to the planning of writing courses and their systematization for large-scale research.
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